# Access Denied Message

Sometimes, you may find yourself accessing areas of the Portal for which you are not authorised. This can happen if permissions change and you navigate back through your browser history shortly afterwards, or if you are sent a link by a User who has permissions. In the unlikely event that this happens, you will be shown a message as in the image below.

Access denied message


If you feel you have received this message in error, contact your system administrator. If you know who manages DX2 for your company and this is not your system administrator, you may wish to speak to them instead.

# Why Did This Happen?

This happens when accessing an area of the DX2 Portal as a User who has insufficient permissions to use that area.

Let's demonstrate this with an example. Our User is Kelli Edwards, of the Trading Partner Adaptas. Kelli wishes to change company information for Adaptas using the My Company area of the DX2 Portal.

Access denied example 1

Kelli is currently assigned to the General Staff Security Group of Adaptas, which only has one role assigned to it: the Document Manager role.

Access denied example 2

When Kelli attempts to access the My Company area, DX2 checks to see if her User has the Edit Company Profile permission. The Document Manager role does not have this permission, and therefore Kelli will be denied access.

Access denied example 3

# How Can I Fix It?

To grant a User access to an area of the DX2 Portal, ensure that they are part of a Security Group that has the appropriate role assigned to it.

Using our example above, let's introduce our DX2 Portal administrator Alice Fischer. Alice is part of the Business Admins Security Group, which has one role assigned to it: Administrator.

Access denied example 4

This allows Alice to manage Security Groups and Users, which means she can take one of two actions:

  • Assign the Profile Manager role to the General Staff Security Group. This would give all Users in the General Staff Security Group the additional permission from the Profile Manager role.
  • Move Kelli to another Security Group, and assign that Security Group roles that provide the appropriate permissions.

Let's use the first option in our example.

  • To get started, Alice needs to log into the DX2 Portal.
  • Once logged in, click Security Groups in the left sidebar.
  • Click the menu button to the right of the General Staff Security Group, then click Edit.
  • Tick the Profile Manager role, then click Save.

All members of the General Staff Security Group, including Kelli, now have permission to access and edit My Company information.

Access denied example 5
Last Updated: 21/03/2019, 10:27:57 pm