# How do I Modify an Approval Chain?

If wanting to make changes to any approval chain you must first ensure that the documents using that chain are only in either a Pending Coding or a Completed state. If the approval chain has documents with any other state, e.g. Pending Approval, then the documents can get stuck and will require manual intervention from Olympic to fix.

Approval Chains can be modified from the the Approval Chains tab under Administration.

Please Note

A warning is displayed on the Edit Approval Chain page about modifying the approval chain.

Editing an Approval Chain

# What's the difference between Document Status and Approval Status?

Once a document is brought into DX2, via capture, manual entry or EDI, it acquires a status which will change as the document moves through the processes applied to it. This Document Status is used to check if the document is pending, completed or has errored.

Separate to the document status, there is an Approval Status. If the rule applied to the document has a step to send the document through the approval process, the document will also have an approval status. Approval status will tell you if the document is pending coding, pending approval, rejected, discarded or approved.

Last Updated: 10/06/2020, 11:49:22 pm