# Why doesn't the document template I saved last month work this month?

This can happen when the original capture was done on a scanned document. If it is not the original, the scan only has to be slightly out for the co-ordinates captured last time to be different. If this is not the case then please contact Olympic Support for further assistance.

# Capture picks up a 1 instead of an I and a 0 instead of O and has to be manually changed. Can I avoid this?

Unfortunately with most OCR readers, for various fonts the reader cannot distinguish between some numbers and letters. To get around this, either change it manually or request that the supplier uses a clearer font on their invoices. If it is an area that does not change month to month on a document then you can map “By Value” and it will use the same correct value each month.

# I’m mapping an Invoice Statement. How do I group my coding for specific branches?

The Distribution Summary function can be used to assist with coding large Invoice Statements which need to be coded across various business areas. This allows merging as well as splitting Invoice Statement lines.

This requires some setup. Please contact support@olympic.co.nz for more assistance on setting this up.

# How do I capture a more complex invoice?

Please refer to the videos in the online documentation which will help you to capture more difficult documents: Capture Tips and Tricks

If still unable to capture your document then please get in touch with Olympic Support.

Last Updated: 11/06/2020, 1:15:03 am