# How do I Set Up a New Trading Partner?

New Trading Partners can be setup from the My Company area. Please refer to Add a Trading Partner for more details.

# What's the difference between Silent and Active Trading Partners?

If setting up a Trading Partner from inside the My Company area, you have the option to check the Silent Trading Partner tick box.

If ticked, then it is assumed that your Trading Partner will not be logging into DX2 but will just be sending you documents generally via email. They will not receive any notifications.

Silent Trading Partner

If left unchecked it is assumed this Trading Partner will be Active and will be sent an invitation to register on the DX2 Portal. If they are active and also have a login then they will be able to view your documents related to their Trading Partner, including comments.

Please Note

We recommend you use Active Trading Partners where possible, as the concept of Silent Trading Partners may be phased out of DX2 in the future.

# What happens if there is a Duplicate of a Supplier?

At the time of submitting a captured document the user can choose an existing Trading Partner. Instead, if a different email address is used during capture and the user chooses to Add Trading Partner, it can result in a duplicate Trading Partner being setup.

This does not affect the end result in the ERP for the invoice posting as long as both the Trading Partner definitions are linked to the same supplier code.

It does affect the following areas:

  • If using DX2 Purchase, users will see multiple supplier entries for the same Trading Partner in the drop down at the time of creating Items. This can cause confusion.

  • Reporting in PowerBI reports will show duplicate data.

  • Searching for a Trading Partner in DX2 will show multiple entries for the same Trading Partner which can cause confusion.

Please Note

Administrators for your organisation will not be able to fix this issue. You will need to log a support call with support@olympic.co.nz.

Last Updated: 16/06/2020, 2:23:19 am